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Professional Employees
Council of Sparrow Hospital

Contract Ratification Voting Times and Informational Sessions
We are excited about the contract agreement in principle that we’ve reached and we are eager to hold the ratification vote so that you...
Happy holidays - and Thank You!
With negotiations paused until the new year, we wanted to do a quick check-in – and a thank you. To be honest, we’re frustrated to be...
December 19th Bargaining Update
We met again for negotiations today, our final session of the year. Again, the employer failed to respond to our economic proposals from...
December 18th Bargaining Update
Today we met again with the employer to negotiate. We made a number of proposals on non-economic issues. We again proposed reasonable...
December 17th Bargaining Update
Today (12/17) our bargaining team passed an updated economic proposal which included proposals keep our healthcare affordable and catch...
December 16th Bargaining Update
We bargained with the employer Thursday (12/12) and we have an update below; we also bargain Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week....
Strike Authorization Vote PASSES
The ballots have been counted, and the result is clear: The strike authorization vote has PASSED by an overwhelming margin. 98.7% of...
December 5 Bargaining Update
So, about that free UMH “Michigan Answers” T-shirt offer that the employer “coincidentally” emailed to all of us on the first day of our...
5 reasons to vote YES on strike authorization
The strike authorization vote starts TOMORROW (Wednesday); if you haven’t done so yet, we really need everyone to make a plan to vote so...
November 26 Bargaining Update
It’s clear our collective might is getting to the employer. Yesterday the hospital put out a negotiations update attempting to intimidate...
November 21 Bargaining Update
Our informational picket was inspiring, with community members and workers coming together with a clear message. Sparrow Caregivers...
November 14 Bargaining Update
Following our successful info picket, it’s important to keep getting word out to the community about our fight for a fair contract! Stop...
November 7 Bargaining Update
Well, if you want to know what the employer thinks of nurses and healthcare professionals, consider the rumors we’ve been hearing about...

October 30 Bargaining Update Informational Picket
As we continue to work toward getting a fair contract, it is clear that U of M Health-Sparrow executives need to see that PECSH-MNA...
October 29 Bargaining Update
At the time of this update (6:30 p.m. 10/29) we are still at the bargaining table, advocating for our members, but wanted to give you an...
Urgent Negotiations Update Meeting Set for 10-30-24
We’ll get right to it - a lot is going on, so we are calling an urgent negotiations update/BAT meeting for this Wednesday, October 30th,...

October 16 2024 Bargaining Update
Today at the bargaining table, we received the employer’s economic proposal. We are disappointed to report that it is 100 percent...
October 15 2024 Bargaining Update
No doubt you have heard about the shooting outside the hospital early Sunday. It’s a miracle no one was hit by the bullet that went...
September 30th 2024 Bargaining Update
We head back to the bargaining table Tuesday and remain focused on doing the work necessary to get a great contract. The employer, on the...
September 20th 2024 Bargaining Update
Tuesday (9/17) was a Caucus day, which means we didn’t meet with the Employer but spent the day working on our proposals and looking...
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