The bargaining team last week held a discussion with Public Safety Director Jerry Dumond regarding many concerns members have raised around security. Discussion focused on processes for visitor management and locking down units during violent or potentially violent situations like Code Silver.
Beyond that discussion, we reached tentative agreements on several housekeeping issues. (This is a normal part of the process and members will ultimately vote on these as part of the bigger package.)
We have noticed, though, that the administration’s proposals are coming at a slower rate than ours. There is also concern that administration could be targeting our officers’ ability to represent the membership.
We are back to the table tomorrow (Tuesday). It’s important to keep building our solidarity! We encourage members to attend the next negotiations engagement session with the Bargaining Action Team on Thursday, Sept. 26, between 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. For details and to RSVP, click here.
DID YOU KNOW? At the table, we often encounter facts/issues that not everyone is familiar with. Did you know, for example, that to qualify for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you must have worked 1,250 hours in the previous 12 months? See Article 21 of our collective bargaining agreement for more on FMLA.)
P.S. Outside of negotiations, union leadership continues to work on the problem of the mist in the Jerome Street parking lot.
Remember that there is a process for filing a transportation claim related to residue on your vehicle: Contact Insurance and Claims Administration (formerly Risk Management Services) with the university between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays at 734-764-2200 or email RiskMgmt.General@umich.edu. Or you can submit a claim through the web site (note that the department name is always Sparrow Health System).