Today at the bargaining table, we received the employer’s economic proposal. We are disappointed to report that it is 100 percent unacceptable.
The offer is miles from what we deserve. With healthcare cost increases of up to 30 percent, it would actually result in a net loss for many members.
While negotiations continue, the employer needs to see our union’s solidarity and strength right now.
What can you do? Wear your solidarity ribbons! Wear your “We deserve more than a logo change” stickers! And come to the BAT meeting tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Details are below – no need to RSVP.
Among other problems, the offer:
Falls far short of making up for the rising cost of living, let alone giving us the competitive wages we deserve;
Takes away our vastly superior healthcare and replaces it with the employer’s healthcare that non-union employees get;
Ends the payment to members who opt out of health insurance; and
Discontinues our healthcare discounts.
It’s outrageous that administration is making such a lowball offer taking us backward, especially since they now have the enormous resources of the University of Michigan at their disposal.
We won’t stand for it, and together, we will send that message loud and clear.
Join the Bargaining Action Team (BAT) tomorrow (Thursday 10/17) to get updates and give feedback!
Drop in anytime between 5:30pm and 8:00pm. at St. Luke Lutheran Church - Christ Campus (122 S Pennsylvania Ave., right near the hospital). Ring the doorbell at the door facing Michigan Avenue, and then go to the gym in the basement. Families always welcome!