It’s clear our collective might is getting to the employer. Yesterday the hospital put out a negotiations update attempting to intimidate healthcare professionals and nurses from authorizing a strike.
The update implied the employer would effectively lock out employees beyond a short one-day strike and emphasized the obvious fact that you do not receive pay while on a strike. The message conveyed fear. Not our fear, but theirs. We need to keep it up. Now is not the time to be intimidated by transparent scare tactics.
It is absolutely critical that we send a clear message with HUGE turnout for our strike authorization vote. Please make your plan to vote by clicking here!
That way we know where to focus our outreach.
The employer demanded severe concessions this week - see below for more info. If these proposals are NOT ok with you, the best way to say NO is by voting YES to authorize a strike if necessary.
Make a plan to vote!
We negotiated yesterday and today. On Monday the employer made its first economic proposal since the announcement of our strike authorization vote.
Health Care
The employer also revised its healthcare proposal for the first time since the announcement of the closure of PHP.
The employer proposed that it would have a right to unilaterally create and implement new insurance plans for 2026 to replace our PHP-provided HSA and MNA-PPO plans. The employer would unilaterally determine the deductible, co-pays, and general coverage of these plans without negotiation with our union. Additionally, the employer could continue to change the plan benefits and coverage in 2027 without negotiation. This would be a shocking concession from our current MNA-PPO, which has a guaranteed plan design that we have negotiated and protected for years.
The employer also proposed to completely end Article 33 employee discounts for Sparrow Hospital services and discounts for Sparrow Home Care Network. This again would be a significant loss to members.
Both sides have continued to propose to keep the BCBS plan past 2025. The employer withdrew its proposal to increase the premium share for BCBS and then quickly put out a negotiations update suggesting it had not been proposing this.
The employer proposed modest increases to its prior wage proposals. These wages continue to fall far short of cost-of-living increases or the necessary increases to make us competitive to attract and retain staffing.
We are back at the table Monday and Thursday of next week.
If you’re sick of these insulting offers, show that we are SERIOUS about getting a strong contract by participating in the strike authorization vote. Make your plan to vote now.