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December 5 Bargaining Update

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

So, about that free UMH “Michigan Answers” T-shirt offer that the employer “coincidentally” emailed to all of us on the first day of our strike authorization vote…

As we say in Michigan: Yeah, no.

We’ve come up with a MUCH better T-shirt (see image above). You can order yours for free by clicking here. The deadline is Dec. 12, so please order today!

Now, as to bargaining this week, our team passed a new comprehensive economic proposal on Monday. Not only did the employer not respond at our scheduled bargaining session today, they did not even bother to come to the table.

They had time, though, to send an email to union members again threatening a strike and stating they’ve contracted with an agency for temporary replacements.

The disrespect is OFF. THE. CHARTS.

We’ll repeat it because it’s so important: We need a huge turnout and an overwhelming YES vote on our strike authorization to show these people that we’re serious. So if you haven’t voted yet, please make your plan to do so by clicking here! It’s fast, it’s easy, it’s powerful.

Here are MORE DETAILS about what we addressed this week:

Health insurance

We proposed to:

  • Make BCBS less expensive since it’s the only plan we know will be available in 2026 given PHP’s closure.

  • Allow new plans to be available to replace our PHP plans during the contract provided that we agree to them so that we can ensure they are quality and affordable plans.

  • Lengthen the enrollment period next fall so that we have a longer time to make our decisions on what plans we choose.


We moved closer to the employer on wages, but continued to propose wages that address the cost of living and will make us once again the premiere hospital in the area.


We continued to propose to the employer reasonable restrictions on its ability to permanently subcontract our jobs. They need to fix their issues instead of covering them with agency.

We return to bargaining Tuesday. On Wednesday afternoon, we’ll announce the results of the strike authorization vote. Please make sure to make your voice heard to make a difference!

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