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December 17th Bargaining Update

Today (12/17) our bargaining team passed an updated economic proposal which included proposals keep our healthcare affordable and catch our wages up to the cost of living.

We continued to propose to lower the cost of our Blue Cross Blue Shield premium as it will be the only guaranteed health plan we will have in 2026. To date, the employer has refused to engage on that proposal. We also continued to increase our opt out payment, expand the length of the annual open enrollment period, and to build in some safeguards if our PHP based plans have issues in 2025 as PHP begins to close.  

The employer currently is attempting to divide us by offering different, but below market wage raises, to new bedside nurses, senior bedside nurses, non-bedside nurses, and healthcare professionals. We continued to push back on this proposal with our proposal to address the equal loss of wages we have all experienced in recent years due to the changes in the cost of living.  

We reached another minor tentative agreement today on Article 44 which expanded access to bereavement leave in certain circumstances.

We have two more scheduled sessions this week on Wednesday and Thursday and continue to hold close to us the tool of a strike authorization vote.

Want to get involved or have more questions? Come to our BAT meeting this Thursday at Edmunds Pastime at 2010 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. Drop in between 6pm and 9pm.

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