Our bargaining team had a productive first session of negotiations for our new contract on Thursday. The current contract expires on Oct. 30; we have bargaining sessions scheduled through that week. Our next session is tomorrow (Tuesday).
Our goal is to keep you updated frequently, and to send emails that expand on the posts in the PECSH-MNA Facebook group.
At our bargaining session Thursday, we were pleased by the professional and cordial tone at the table. It is customary to address non-economic issues in the process first. We thoroughly reviewed some non-economic proposals and passed some to the employer on Thursday.
We're also pleased to announce that we reached an agreement (a Memorandum of Understanding – MOU) on release time for bargaining team members during negotiations. We also agreed to ground rules that both sides will adhere to.
As we move forward in negotiations, the employer will be watching to see if we all remain united. One way to show our strength as a union is by wearing a red solidarity ribbon! If your unit needs ribbons, please contact MNA organizer Pablo Terraza at 517-331-5305.
In solidarity,
Tracie Cullinan, RN
Amy Harvey, RN
Jen Ackley, RN
Elizabeth Thelen, RN
Tayler Bailey, RN
Tammy Parsons, RN
Dexter Baker, RN, co-chair
Gen Bancroft, RN
Stacey Bushey, ASCP
Kevin Glaza, RPh
Lindsey Davis, LMSW
Jeff Breslin, RN - President - ex-officio member
Leah Rasch, RN - Grievance Chair - ex-officio member, co-chair