The strike authorization vote starts TOMORROW (Wednesday); if you haven’t done so yet, we really need everyone to make a plan to vote so that your voice counts. That link has a list of the times and locations, and a link to FAQs.
We thought it might be helpful to review five of the reasons we, as your representatives at the bargaining table, called for this strike authorization vote. To get the contract we all deserve, we need to go back to the table with a resounding YES from a huge turnout – both numbers are important!
We urge you to vote yes because:
1) We are shaping our future, now. This will be a multi-year contract, setting the stage for even farther down the line. If we don’t get what we deserve now, and don’t block the concessions the employer is demanding, it will only get worse.
2) We deserve good, affordable health insurance. After announcing abruptly that they are discontinuing two out of three of our health plan options (PHP), the employer proposes to let us keep BCBS BUT end our discounts on Sparrow services. In place of PHP, they propose to implement, without negotiating, an unknown plan with unknown costs, at an unknown time. The employer likes to say they are NOT cutting our benefits – make no mistake, this is a huge concession. We cannot give in when it comes to health care for ourselves and our families!
3) We deserve competitive wages. The employer is STILL offering wages that don’t even make up for the increase in inflation over the past few years! The University of Michigan is sitting on an $18 BILLION endowment. They promised to invest when they came to Lansing, but where is the investment in those of us who actually do the work? We deserve more than a logo change!
4) We deserve to be safe at work. Putting up with violence should not be part of our job. Yet the employer refuses to agree to our proposals for simple steps to protect us, our patients and visitors.
5) We need to stop the union-busting. U of M Health-Sparrow has an unusual number of agency nurses, as well as other nurses they refuse to make eligible for our bargaining unit. This is nothing but union-busting, plain and simple.
The disrespect is disgusting, and there’s only one way to stop it – vote YES to authorize a strike if necessary.
If you already made your plan to vote, thank you! And if not, please do so now so we can send a strong, united message that we won’t buy what the employer’s selling.
All members in good standing are encouraged and eligible to participate in our strike authorization vote. If you are not yet a member, you can join online by clicking here.